Well we had another Dr's appointment today, we will be going weekly now until our baby boy comes. Everything is going smoothly still, no problems, and no major complaints. Haven't been too uncomfortable, thankfully the uncomfort has just been the little butt that is in my ribs. No back pain or anything like that, so YAY!! Dr says his head is down, so that is good cuz I couldn't imagine him trying to turn all the way around at this point, lol. We are dialated to 1 CM!! Mike is soo excited about that, he was telling people as we were walking out of the Dr's office, and he told some guy at McDonalds, lol.
Neither one of us can wait for the baby to get here, it is so close now. Surprisingly neither of us is really nervous, I think that is a sign that we are both ready for this wonderful change in our lives. We finished our childbirth classes, got to take a tour of the birthing center which is really really nice. And the hosital really pushes for the baby to stay with the parents the whole time they are there, and have some double beds available so that dads can stay the whole time too. If the baby has to stay longer for some reason they almost always have extra rooms that they let parents stay in (like a hotel where they dont feed you and wait on you like they do during their stay.) They have the whirlpools and showers with like 8 shower heads to help you through labor if you want to use them. The beds are really nice and fold and colapse every which way so that you can find your own comfortable position. I don't know how much of that stuff I will use when the time comes, but it is nice that there are so many options.
I think the nursery is pretty much finished, rather than all the stuff just cramped into the room. We move the play yard into our room, we got all the clothes and stuff washed,folded, and put away. The car seat is all ready to go, been bringing the swing and bouncer out into the living room to get the cats used to it so that they won't be jumping all over it when the baby is here. Surprisingly they both just sniffed them for a while and left them alone, neither one has tried to climb in them, which is great.
Aside from baby stuff not too much is going on here, we have had soo much snow lately, I can't wait for winter to be over!! We got 12 inches last week, then for the next 3 days it was freezing, had a -40 windchill at one point! Then today are getting another 4-6 inches. Wouldn't be so bad if there would have been a chance for some of the 12 inches to melt. The snow piles are huge, it is hard to see around some corners when driving, lol. And looking at the shoveled sidewalks is funny because they look like there walls on each side of them the snow is piled up so high, lol.
Well I guess that is all for now, I will pry update again next week after the Dr's appointment. Thanks for reading!!