In god we trust...all others are suspects

Name: bluex232
Location: Wisconsin, United States

Mike and I became parents on March 7th 2008 to a beautiful baby boy Ryne Scott. The main purpose of this blog is to keep our families updated since we are so far away from them. Check back for updates often!!



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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Just a quick update...
Went to the doctor yesterday again, everything still looks good. We are 1 cm, I guess last time we were just barely a cm but we are a full cm now. We are 50% effaced and the babys head is at a 1. Dr said he could feel the head! So progress is being made, which is good. Heartbeat sounds good still. We had our first negative pregnancy experience, my strep B test came back positive. 8-( I guess for the most part I just have to have antibiotics while I am in labor every 4 hours. Seems like it is something that we shouldn't be too concerned about. The effects on the baby can be fatal if it goes untreated, but it seems like only about 1 in 4000 babys become infected if you get the antibiotics during labor. Kinda scary to think about, but we are staying positive and glad that we found out now so that we can take all precautions necessary. Here is a link with more information about Strep B...Click Here

Aside from that everything is about the same, baby is growing a lot it seems like, even though it doesn't look like it from the pictures, lol. He likes to push his butt out at the same spot all the time. Kinda hurts now, the best way to describe it is, it feels like when you have a bruise and you push on it. He just keeps rubbing the same spot and it feels like there is a bruise about the size of a quarter, lol. I really can't tell if he has officially dropped yet, sometimes it seems like he has because he is sitting on my bladder (or doing a headstand rather), and then other times is feels like he is climbing up my ribs, lol. Then there are times where he must be stretching because he is pushing on my bladder and my ribs, lol. It's all worth it though, 8-)

Well I guess that is all for now...JUST 20 MORE DAYS AND COUNTING!!

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