In god we trust...all others are suspects

Name: bluex232
Location: Wisconsin, United States

Mike and I became parents on March 7th 2008 to a beautiful baby boy Ryne Scott. The main purpose of this blog is to keep our families updated since we are so far away from them. Check back for updates often!!



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Friday, July 23, 2004
and another thing....
In a recent discovery I have decided that I think I have HAVS or Hand arm vibration syndrome. I believe it has come from playing video games this week. Fortunately it is only in one hand, but unfortunately it is in the right hand, which is my dominant hand. So if it were to just fall off one day I would be screwed. I couldn’t type my blog anymore, and I definitely couldn’t play any more video games, because the right hand has to do all the important things like jump and shot and kick and punch and aim and dive and….good god my world is crashing down. One of the treatments are keep warm!! I forgot my sweatshirt today!! I am freezing! Omg my hand is going to fall off and there is nothing I can do to help because I am at work without my sweatshirt! I also have to avoid temperature changes!! It is going to be hot outside, how can I go home? I’m freezing and it’s hot out side and I can’t have temperature changes!! Great now I am going to have to turn the rumble feature off on the controllers, what fun is that? None. I guess I will go home and cry about it all night long.

On a lighter note, Dad suggested I mention the movie the Surviors for those of you who do not know about or want to know more about 'Honky Mo Fo', or for those of you who want a good older movie to watch. Here is some info on it. It's a pretty funny movie as I recall.

So I'll quote that movie I suppose....You shot my gun god damn it!! You're not suposed to shoot a person's gun. Aw god that pisses me off!!"
I dont think you have HAVS or whatever it is called. A rumble pack is one thing, a jackhammer is another. You should just do exercises with light weights, maybe. Anyway nice blog...too bad everyone uses this "blogger" thing...

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