I went and looked at two apartments yesterday; I may have found my ‘home’ for next year. It’s only a block away from where I live now (its on S. Dodge St.), so the move won’t be bad, and the parking is only $15 a month. Of course this is from Heritage (who I rent through now) so I didn’t expect the parking to be bad here since I only pay $20 a month now. It is just an efficiency apartment, with a bathroom and a small kitchen that is separated from the ‘living space’ by a counter. It has a shelf area in the wall for a pantry type section and some cupboards above the stove and sink. It also has a walk-in closet, which I think I’m supposed to be a lot more excited about being a girl and all, but as we would say around the helpdesk here it doesn’t really ‘rock my socks’ like it should. I am more excited about the apartment itself. It is $460 a month plus electric, which the guy said previous renters said was 15-20 a month most of the time, so that is good. Plus it is still on the free shuttle bus route!
The other apartment I looked at yesterday was an efficiency as well. It was across the street from the post office. It was $495 with gas and electric paid (which isn’t too bad) and $40 a month to park plus a $25 processing fee (which sucks). Plus the parking was in the Pentacrest apartments lots, and so was the laundry, so that sucks a little too. The ‘living space’ was really small and the kitchen was almost non-existent. There was a sink and a stove in the corner with maybe a foot deep tiles area in front of them then the refrigerator was right in front of the stove, leaving you enough room to open the stove and that is all. It was basically an apartment that I would hate living in and would only do so if it was the best deal I could find. But with the parking so high, it definitely rules this apartment out.
So as of now the S. Dodge street apartment is the winner. The only thing left to deal with is the fact that I really cant afford this....I mean as it is now I try to take enough loans out to pay my rent all year and every summer I run out of money cuz I never get the full amount of money that I ask for. So I am hoping that I will get enough money to at least get me through January, and then I will be able to work full time and hopefully make enough money to make it through the rest of the year....
Hmm, well that wasted a small amount of time here at work. I guess now I go back to surfing the internet for a few more hours. I am on orientation this afternoon so that will be a nice change....ill pry add more to this later.
So I worked orientation this afternoon, and realized that I love orientation! I could work that everyday....it is so much better than answering phones!! Lots of eager parents, wanting to buy their kids computers, asking questions about things that they really don’t have any idea what it is....its grrrreatt! So yea that was the highlight of my day. I went and played basketball with Mike and then we jogged almost a mile, then came home and lifted. Then the Mask was on TV. God I was so obsessed with that show in middle school, it is a great show, hehe. So yea that’s all for today....of course I will quote Jim again....Somebody sssstop me!!