So I woke up at 430 this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. For a split second I wondered why I was awake and then I realized it was because it was frickin 500 degrees in my room, I think the walls were sweating it was so hot. After laying in front of every fan in the apartment and tossing and turning for an hour I realized I was awake and was not getting back to sleep now. I turned on the TV only to see David Hasselhoff running down the beach half naked with two blonds. I pinched myself hoping it was a nightmare, unfortunately it was it was the slim in 6 infomercial....I shut the TV off.
I have been thinking about setting up a blog for a while now, and with nothing else to do in the wee hours of the morning, I said why not go for it? What’s the worst that can happen? Embarrassment, humiliation, and ridicule....oh well. So I guess I should first fill you in on what is going on now so that you have some idea as to what I am talking about when I bitch about things....well the main thing going on right now is my break up with Mike. After 3 years we are taking a break, which means that we are going to need different rooms. After asking my roommates (who are dating and have separate rooms) if they would share a room, we got an answer of NO. Reasoning? Oh, their parents wouldn't approve of them sleeping together....yea, I've got two words to say about that....HORSESHIT!! So now I am looking for the cheapest 1 bedroom apartment possible. The downfall of this? I pay $243 a month bedroom’s = $400. So yea, good luck to me.
Hmm, well that’s pretty much all that is going on in my life right now, other than working 40 hours a week. The fourth of July is tomorrow, this will be the first year that I don’t do fireworks, which really sucks but what can ya family and I are taking a family trip to Valleyfair and my little brother is coming down to visit in a couple of weeks so I am really looking forward to that. I have also been adding a lot of stuff to my website lately, after several complaints I finally added an about me section. Well I guess that’s all I have to say right now, so....
Ok, so there I was hungrily putting a pizza in the oven and two minutes later the power goes out. Of course having an electric stove, this did not make me happy, after about a minute the power came on long enough for me to celebrate the fact that my pizza was going to cook, then went out again....this time for 2 hours!! I felt like I entered the matrix and was unplugged from life as we know it. I had nothing to do but stare at the wall, which let me tell ya, gets old really fast. I tried to take a nap since I had been up since 430, but with out a fan it was just too hot. I thought about going for a jog since I am trying to jog several times a week, but decided I was too lazy at the time. Since all of my friends were either working or out of town for the weekend I did the only thing else that I knew how to do....I called mom. Finally after wearing down her and dads cell phone batteries (they don’t have a phone line in the house), god decided he had punished my block enough and the power came back on. Finally I could eat my pizza!! YAY!!! I also got to watch My Girl, which is a plus, it was one of my favorite movies when I was little, and I hadn’t seen it in forever....hmm I guess that’s all for now....