In god we trust...all others are suspects

Name: bluex232
Location: Wisconsin, United States

Mike and I became parents on March 7th 2008 to a beautiful baby boy Ryne Scott. The main purpose of this blog is to keep our families updated since we are so far away from them. Check back for updates often!!



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Friday, July 23, 2004
I'm not a girl, DUH!!
If you would like to read the 'shizzled' version of my blog today
click here (it may take a minute to with it. And if you want to want to post a comment you'll have to come back to this page to do that too) I added the shizzle link to the links on the left, so if you want to read future post in shizzle form you can do so....yes I know where do I find the time to make all these wonderful things possible....

I worked Wednesday morning, and then Mike dropped Gunnar off at work and we walked around downtown and saw some of the Herky’s.  Then we walked home and had some lunch.  We started playing Mario Party 5 at about 5:30.  We ended up playing it until 4:30 am stopping only for dinner, bathroom, and thirst quenching breaks.  Holy hell was that a lot of video game playing.  My eyes were killing me all day Thursday!  Some time during this game playing we were talking about something and Gunnar blurted out mo’foe!!  I just kinda sat there for a second and the conversation went like this….

ME: mo’foe!?! Where did that come from? Do you know what that stands for?
GUNNAR: no, what?
ME: it means mother fucker.
GUNNAR: (covered his mouth) well I didn’t know, I thought it was a last name.
ME: hehe, whose last name? Honky’s?
GUNNAR: who is Honky?

So I had to explain to him what honky meant, and told him that he shouldn’t say that either, hehe.  It was pretty funny.  Then later we were playing and something happen and I said that it was ‘gay.’  To which Gunnar replied, that’s gross!! And this is how that conversation went….

ME: why is it gross? Some people are that way.  What if you were gay would you be gross?
GUNNAR: but I'm not and I’m not gonna be cuz I don’t like boys that’s gross.
ME: well what if you can’t help it, some people say they are born that way.
GUNNAR: well what if you were a lesbian, then huh?
ME: I'm not a lesbian, you are a lesbian.
GUNNAR: hey, I'm not no lesbian, im not a girl, duh!

Hehe, it is so funny to hear him talk about stuff like this, I never thought I would have a conversation about mo’foe’s and lesbians on the same day with my little brother….well at least not at his age, hehe.  I thought about bringing the topic up the next day when he and Mike were joking around about slapping each other and Gunnar said ‘I will slap you the hardest, I slap like a girl!’…..hehe, I just called him Sheila instead, lol.

Today is Friday already, the week seemed to go by pretty fast.  Gunnar and I went to Olive Garden yesterday and got the soup, salad, and breadstick lunch.  It was pretty good.  Surprisingly they had soup that I actually liked.  This is unusual because I am the pickiest eater ever.  Then we went around and got some pictures of some of the Herky’s around town.  Gunnar chose about 10 that he wanted pictures with, and of course they were scattered around town, so it took a couple of hours to get to all of them, but he had a good time with it.  Then we went and rented a couple of movies, and had pizza for dinner.  We rented ‘League of Extraordinary Gentlemen’ and ‘Butterfly Effect’.  We started watching the ‘League’ last night, but I fell asleep before it was over….I guess the being up until 5:30 the night before caught up with me.

I literally woke up at 7:52 today; I had to work at 8.  I got to work just a few minutes late, but man it sucked.  I hate not having time to get ready.  It also caused me to forget my sweatshirt too, so now I am at work freezing my ass off!  But oh well, at least I am only here half a day.  Well I guess that’s all the new news I have for now.  Maybe I’ll add more later.

Skinner, I want you dressed at all times, eh? Or it's my boot up your arse.
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