Yes that is what god said to me today. No lying today was crap. Started off calling for apartments first thing in the morning, was only able to see one, and set up appointments to look at two tomorrow. It really pisses me off the way that they screw people for parking!! Man, my first year in an apartment, the parking was free, last year it was $20 a month (you had to pay the whole 240 ahead of time). But man this year it sucks, I have gotten anywhere from $40-$75 a month!! GOOD GOD!! The place I looked at today was 40 bucks a month plus a $25 processing fee for a total of $505 for a year!! It is ridiculous!! I mean christ, give the students a break! Not all of us have our mommies paying our rent for us....and yes that was a crack on the roommates! So yea I have come to the realization that if I don’t get a shit pot of money in loans I will be homeless halfway through the year.
This of course brings me to my second problem of the I call the registration office to find out why I still have not received my award summary for my fafsa. Of course the counselors are not available at the time so they will get back to me. Three hours later I call them back only to be told that my fafsa was flagged for verification of my citizenship! Hello!! I have been a citizen for the past four years, why the hell is it different now?!?! According to them of course, they sent me out a notice saying that they needed my birth certificate to verify this. Yea I have two words to say to that....say it with me now....HORSESHIT!!!! The only thing I have received from the university all summer is my damn u-bill. Well at least I received the important stuff right? So yea on top of the fact that I will be paying double rent next year, I will also get jackshit for financial aid, because the frickin registration center has had my application for almost three months now, which is of course a first come first serve basis. God I hate my life.
And the final shit of the day, some one came in with a wireless card today wanting it connected to the network. This is fine and dandy. So I try to install the PROset software only to be told there is an older version on the PC. So I uninstall it and reinstall the new version. Mind you the entire thing is in Chinese or Japanese and the girl could not tell what it said herself, let alone my unilingual ass trying to figure it out. (Good thing we have little pictures on our website, lol). So I get it all set up she puts in her password blah blah doesn’t work. So I try looking at the settings but between the two of us could not figure out what all the stick figure letter looking things meant. So I decide screw it I will just uninstall and reinstall it all over again (because I have had problems with the damn thing before and usually a reinstall of it works, I figured this was the case). So blah blah blah, same thing happens, test her hawkid and it works fine, so as I am going to look at her account more she comes up with....“Oh, maybe it doesn’t work because my account doesn’t work.” Come to find out she didnt have rights to anything....56 minutes later all I could say is shoot me now. Lesson learned the hard way today? No longer blame the software.
So enough bitching for now, now I’m at work doin the 5-8 walk-in thing. Haven’t had any customers since the wireless one. On a side note we got new fish at the helpdesk today, I still stand by my vote that we should have gotten a piranha (as long as it wasn’t on like the one Mike had at one time, that thing was ugly). I found the first new fish death poll on the board today humorous especially after one of the fish starting lying on the bottom of the tank. I also got some gummy worms today, this made me a little happy....i also found one little lonely bear in with all the worms. It hurts me to think of how terrified the little gummy bear must have been inside the package with all the big gummy worms. I petted his head to make him feel a little better....then I ate him.
So I guess that is it for today, I am still working on my closing line so tonight I thank Jim Carry and close with....and that’s the way the cookie crumbles, I’m Bruce Nolan, eyewitness news....back to you fuckers!!!