Well the last few days have been pretty uneventful. No big surprise there. I finally got everything unpacked, my feet were killing me. I bet I would at least five miles around my little apartment putting everything away and cleaning. I felt like my mother, she is a big cleaner….my mom cleaned my room for me my whole life, even in high school. This in turned caused me to be a slob however, because I used to just throw everything around, and mom would clean it up. I mean I would help her, but she would do most of the work. Anywayz, enough about that, I took pictures of the apartment (I have them with me if anyone really wants to see them), so people could see them, I will post them on my website as soon as I figure out why I cant get to the ftp site to edit it. I guess I should say as soon as my dad finds out, since he is going to contact his ISP to find out what is up. The apartment looks pretty good though I think, it’s nice to not have everything be cramped and actually be able to find a place to put everything. I wouldn’t mind having some shelves on the wall that I could put my black light stuff on. Right now it is just sitting in a box because I don’t have room to put it anywhere.
I also talked to Jennifer a ton this weekend, (her last name is Lake, and I started calling her Jenefler Cheverlake after a while, so I if I start referring to her as that you will now know what I am talking about). Jennifer is my best friend from high school. We did everything together, and I hadn’t talked to her in a few weeks. She recently moved to Arizona to be with this guy Todd. Wait let me back up a little farther. About a year and a half ago, the two of them got an apartment together in Sioux City. For some reason Todd’s mom stopped liking Jennifer, and after a few months, Todd one day out of the blue with no warning had his family there to help him move out. Jennifer had no idea he was even thinking of moving out. He really didn’t have a reason either. So they have been talking to each other on and off since then. I guess they have really been getting along lately, and so in May she decided that she was going to move to Arizona to be with him (he had been there about 4 months). So she moved down there and was living with Todd and his friend Quintin (a high school friend and my 8th grade boyfriend). A couple of months ago Quintin was in a motor cycle accident and died, so it is just Jennifer and Todd now. So anyways, at the funeral (back in Sioux City), a girl named Leah started talking to Todd, now Todd says he had been friends with her for a long time, even though when some one asked him what her name was he said Sara. Ok, so normally there would not be an issue if this was any other girl, but she was one of those girls with the skanky rep. So Jennifer had been asking Todd if he was talking to her when they got back to Arizona, he said no. Well come to find out, he had been talking to her the whole time and lying about it, when had he just told Jennifer he was talking to her there would not have been such an issue, but no that would be to easy. So then he started hiding his cell phone so that Jennifer could look through the recent call lists, not that she ever did that anyways, but whatever. So this caused lots of fighting and stuff, then it turns out one of Todd’s friends was coming for a visit from Sioux City, and at the last minute who decided to come with him? Well Leah of course. So yea, they are broken up now (Jennifer and Todd) and Jennifer has found a place to live.
So long story not so short, the point of this was that her apartment is a two bedroom, so I am thinking about possibly going there to do the police academy thing in January or February. I was also looking and found out that ASU has a Criminal Justice graduate program, so I might go there for two years, I figured if nothing else I could do the police academy thing, become an officer and do that for two years while I go to grad school, then get into the crime scene stuff, I am not completely sure yet though. Dad is jealous of course, cuz he has been wanting to move to Arizona for a couple of years now, but mom doesn’t want to with me being in Iowa still, cuz she will never get to see me (*tear). But she informed me that if I was to move there she would not have a problem moving there. No previously she had told my dad that if he found a job there where she wouldn’t have to work, then she would be willing to move there, I wonder if this stigma still applies, or not. If I were her I would stick to it, she has a job now, but if I had the opportunity to not work and live someplace warm, I would take it pry.
Hmm what else….I watched misery last night. I also watched another episode of trading spouses. I really enjoy that show. I hate the fact that it is in two parts, two days in a row. I could handle it if it was every Monday, but it is Monday and Tuesday. I always tend to forget bout it on Tuesdays, and then I miss the best part. I made a note on my fry erase board so I will remember tonight, 8- )
I also watched Fahrenheit 9/11 yesterday. It wasn’t too bad, talked bout lots of stuff I didn’t know happened. I really should pay more attention to what goes on in the world, but I really think it is all boring, I mean I know I should vote, and have an opinion on who is the next president, but I really have no interest. I mean I try to pay attention and watch the news and read the paper, but I just get bored with it, I dunno why. Someday I will pry get into it but for now, honestly I really don’t care.
….At the feed store do I say, "Oh, now Wally, give me a bag of that F-in' pig feed, and a pound of that bitchly cow corn"? At the bank do I say, "Oh, Mrs. Malenger, here is one big bastard of a check, now give me some of your Christ-ing money!"