Man I haven’t posted in a while, not because I’ve been busy, but mostly because I have been lazy…it always happens when school starts. So I went home last weekend, surprised everyone since they thought I was working all weekend. I got in about 1130 or so, Gunnar was asleep on the love seat, in the living room. Since the futon in the basement finally broke, I slept on the couch in the living room. I woke up at about 800 with Gunnar standing next to the couch about 6 inches away from my face. The second my eyes opened enough to see, he jumped on me and gave me a hug. He was pretty happy to see me, like he always is. So we went and jumped on the trampoline about ten minutes after I woke up, then had McDonalds for breakfast. My godson’s birthday party was that afternoon so I got to go to that, he is such a cutie!
Not too much else went on, just spending time with the family. Got an ice cream cake for dad’s birthday, jumped on the trampoline a lot more, had some Navarette’s, and went to see the Village again. I got some school stuff from staples, and a few other little things I needed. We left Sioux City about 830 Sunday, which got us back to Iowa City about 2:00 in the morning. Yea that was real fun let me tell yea, especially having to work at 8:00 and then go to classes from 10:55-1:20, then again from 6:30-900. Yea it was a pain in the ass to stay awake in my night class.
So I have been to all of my classes, they seem alright. I am not sure if im looking forward to the capstone course, i have a feeling that the class is just gonna be boring, and full of stuff I don’t want to do. We are setting up our portfolios, so I have to revise a paper that I wrote last year, and I have to come up with a mission statement paper, and listen to a bunch of speakers telling me what I can do with a sociology major. Which will pry be boring people talking about how they love sociological theories, and all that crap about Weber, Durkheim, Marx, and blah, blah, blah. Seriously every class I take talks about these people over and over!! I mean I understand they have a lot of theories, that were the basis of stuff today, but I mean I feel like I could have just learned all this stuff in one class, and now I am ready to move on to some others. Not that I will ever need to use any of this stuff anyways.
Web Search Engines. Wow, what an easy class, its no wonder why it has a waiting list. Seriously, we do searches on the web. That’s all. Assignment 1 was to use three different searches on three different engines, and compare the results, to see if they are the same or different, and which gave the best. Luckily it is actually a graded class! Not like most of the 1 hour classes that are pass/fail. So it should be an easy A! YAY! You can never have enough of those!
Political sociology is going to be a boring class that I care nothing about, but the professor seems like an ok guy, he reminds me of Mr. Miyagi! You know an older really smart Asian guy that seem serious, but always comes out with that quiet smart-ass sense of humor. Social inequality should be an alright class as well, other than the fact that it’s a night class that is. It shouldn’t bee too bad though, he said he never lectures the whole time, there will always be a movie, or a group activity to take up some of the time, so that should keep me awake and somewhat attentive.
I got a beta fish last night, it is blue of course. I haven’t figured out what to name it yet, so I will update that later. It seems to be happy swimming around in circles in a bowl that is three times the size the one the pet store had it in. it is still a little scared when I walk over to look at it, but it is already starting to get used to me. I bought some of these big plastic rock looking things to go in the bottom cuz I didn’t want a five pound bag of regular rocks, but I cant decide if I like them, they are not very heavy, so if the fish swims to close to the bottom, they move around a little. I don’t know, I might get rid of them.
Work has been alright, boring at times, and busy as hell others. Um, I got most of my books so far, I need two more, and after those I should have spent about $140 bucks on them this year. By far the cheapest year yet, and there was only one book that I already had, but it was just a $16 book, so I still would have ended up with a pretty good total for books. This is nice, cuz that’s another $200-300 that I wouldn’t have had to come up with.
Well I guess that’s it for now, I know I know, too much excitement for one day huh?
Ease up on the steroids, the juice will make the jewels shrivel like sun dried tomatoes...