So I went to the pet store last night and decided that I would try a couple of pinkies to see if the geckos would eat them. They come frozen in a zip lock bag, and are actually a little cute; they are really small and have little tiny whiskers. So I let them thaw out a little, and then the hunt was on. I fed one to Mike’s gecko first (dont ask me why I have Mike's gecko at my house, cuz I don't know either). I dropped him in the cage. The gecko looked over at the pinkie and slowly started moving in, with its tail raised slowing moving back and forth (they do this to distract the prey so they can sneak up on it better). So it got next to it, and it kinda licked it a couple of times, then looked at me like ‘is it ok to eat this sucker’ then looked back at the mouse and snapped. The poor little helpless frozen baby mouse was down in about two chomps. It was awesome. Weiner on the other hand would not eat the mouse. So I am going to try to get him to eat him later today, he will have to get hungry eventually. Mmmwwwwwhhhaaaaaaaaaaa!
I also finally got some more Manhunt in. Man it is awesome, I mean of course I love blood and guts, so that pry has something to do with why I like it. So the object of the game is still not quite clear to me. I mean you have an earpiece through which some unknown guy talks to you and directs you as to where to go; meanwhile he is making a movie of you killing all these people. I am assuming right now that the object is to make this guy a good killing movie, and eventually the guy will get you to a point where you can escape to somewhere else where you aren’t being hunted. The best way to go about the game is to sneak up behind people and execute them making as little of noise as possible. Each weapon kills them in a different manner, and depending on how long you can stand behind them with out them noticing the more violent the death is. For example, the baseball bat, if you stand behind someone for just a second, you just kinda hit the guy on the head. If you stand behind him for about 10 seconds, you will first choke the guy with the bat, till he falls to his knees, and then whack him in the head so hard the head just explodes and brains go flying everywhere. It’s awesome, lol. The knife is pretty cool too, the less violent attack is stabbing them in the stomach, and the violent attack is stabbing them in the back of the head, then whipping them around and stabbing them three times in the face. With the larger knife you actually cut off the guys head, and then you can pick the head up and throw it at other guys, lol. It’s pretty funny. The game is actually somewhat difficult, the guys actually fight you back if you can't execute them, and it doesn’t take just two hits to kill them, you actually have to hit the guys 10 to 12 times to kill them, and they hit you back as well.
So the unpacking is really moving along now, I decided last night to really start unpacking the stuff that I didn’t want to unpack. Got all the books taken care of, and organized the pantry/bathroom closet area so that I could fit some more stuff in there. I decided that it would now be the pantry/bathroom closet/desk drawer. Since I don’t have a desk anymore I needed someplace to put my paper, and other crap that was the desk at the old apartment. I got the bathroom pictures hung up, my Eminem poster and calendar hung up, more ceiling stars (cuz you can never have enough, hehe), cleared out all but three small boxes, and got the new stools that I bought set up. Hopefully I should be able to finish up tonight.
I am still getting used to this no cable thing, having cable last year really makes not having cable this year worse, but I am dealing with it. I do get to watch Roseanne once a day still, surprisingly it is on one of the channels I get, and I get 7th Heaven once a week (yes I know it’s a gay show, but I just can’t get enough of it!). Those were the shows that I watched most, so at least I still get a little bit of them. With cable I could watch up to three episodes of each a day depending on what times I was at home. I am also getting into the show Quintuplets. I think it is new this year, but it’s pretty good. Its about teenage quintuplets, and their parents who are trying to get their life back after spending the last 15 years just raising the kids, and the neighbor who (and I’m not quite sure what the situation is) but there are like two hot wives and one guy, who are always in the hot tub naked. It’s a pretty funny show. I hate how much That 70’s Show is on. I really can’t stand that show, and it is on all the time. I have tried to get into it, but I just can’t do it. Oh well I guess. I suppose that’s all for now.
Are you here for the Feeding? It's not 'till tomorrow. You should come back - it'll be a bloodbath……