You have 5 un-played messages….those are the words I heard at least 4 if not 5 times yesterday, believe me, it’s not the best thing in the world to hear. I did however answer more voicemails yesterday than I have the whole time I have worked here. Great accomplishment or pain in the ass? I’ll let you decide. So I came in at 8 this morning and checked the voicemail and what did I hear on the other end of the phone? None other than…. you have 5 un-played messages. It’s going to be a great day, lol. It always seems that the largest amount of voicemails seem to come while you are only on the phone for like 2 minutes, but when you get a 10-15 minute phone call then there is maybe one voicemail, I just don’t get it. Why does everyone have to call at once? Its like they all get together and see who can be caller number 9 as if there is a great prize awaiting them….but hey what can you do?
So I went to see The Village last night. Let me just say that I thought it was awesome, and recommend it to you all. It’s an M. Night Shyamalan film; his other big flicks are the Sixth Sense and Signs. I really enjoy his movies, they are not the average scary movie, but more so they make you jump in your seat, and scare you not in that horror movie killer type way, but they actually give you the creeps, and have you looking over your shoulder while you’re sitting home alone. The Village stars Joaquin Phoenix (who played Merrill in Signs) as a quiet villager (Lucius). Bryce Dallas Howard in her debut role as Lucius’ love interest (Ivy) who is blind. Adrien Brody who does a great job as a villager (Noah) that has some sort of mental disorder. It also stars Sigourney Weaver, William Hurt and Brendan Gleeson in supporting roles.
So the plot is basically this group of people lives in a very small village that is surrounded by woods. It’s an old village, which doesn’t have electricity or anything. No one in the village is allowed into the woods because “those we do not speak of” live there. They have an understanding that the villagers do not cross their boarder, and those in the woods will not cross the villages boarder. The color red is also not allowed because it attracts those in the woods. Things change when a group of children find a dead animal that has had its neck broken and its fur removed. It is one of those movies, where just when you think you figured out what will happen next, you’re taken by complete surprise, and the story moves in a different direction. So overall, I think it was a great movie, and everyone should go see it. So go……right now…….what are you waiting for?
Ivy, try your very best not to scream... This color attracts Those We Don't Speak Of. We must bury it.