Holy shit is work boring today. The morning went really fast since I helped one person for almost two hours, and my lunch was at 1130. Luckily he was a nice guy that seemed to know a thing or two. He was trying to get all of his email accounts set up to go to outlook, since he was trying to juggle 3-4 of them at a time. Unfortunately I was only able to help him with the Iowa one, as I could not find the exchange server names for his army email accounts. But hey what can you do? I also have had several calls about the Qwest DSL not allowing you to use outlook with any email accounts other than the one Qwest gives. I did now know however that there were two different packages you could buy, one that came with an email address, and one that did not. So basically any one who gets the cheaper package cannot use outlook. What a fuckin rip off, I have had my DSL services for two years now. It started out as msn broadband, but the recently just switched me over to Qwest DSL. I am not sure why. My outlook has worked fine in the past, and I am going to have to try it tonight when I get home to see if it still works (I have not used that email address in quite a while), if not that sucks ass, and they will be getting a call from me, not that it will do anything or anything.
Hmm, what else? My air conditioner is still not fixed, and I keep forgetting to call them back to see when they are going to fix it, since it had been almost 2 weeks. I was going to call them this morning, since mike didn’t work till noon he could have gone over there if someone has to be there, but of course I go busy with phone calls and walk-in, and didn’t get a chance to call them. They are also going to have to look at my toilet, again. I had to call the emergency maintenance this weekend because it would not flush, they came and jammed this big pole thing in there and cranked it in some more after that, and then it worked. Now it only flushes if it feels like it, sometimes I have to flush 2-4 times before it cooperates. I feel like I am living in a
King of the Hill episode. If only there were a way to get all the heritage people locked in my apartment after eating a shit load of beans and have them suffer the ungodly effects of a broken air conditioner and toilet, maybe then the repairs would be done.
So I don’t quite understand the people that come into the helpdesk here to check their emails, I mean is it that hard to walk an extra 20 feet and log into a computer? Even if they are going to be ‘just a few minutes.’ I mean I personally would rather take a load off while I checked my email, rather than stand at the counter. But whatever.
Hmm, not much else to write about, I am still extremely BORED!!!! Two more hours left then I get to go home, I feel like I have been here for 15 hours already. I missed the second half of trading spouses, last night. Apparently it is on at 7:00 the second day rather than 8:00 like the first night. What a crock of crap! I am going to have to start taping it. Oh well, I can deal with it I suppose. I can’t wait for all the fall programs to start, Yay for ER and NYPD Blue!!
So this post really has no point and I have chosen to bounce from one useless topic to the next. Speaking of geckos, Wiener finally ate her dead, frozen, baby, almost hairless, mouse. She seemed to enjoy it, and just kinda sat there not moving for about 10 minutes afterwards, I am assuming because she felt so full not ever having eaten anything so big. My website is still not working, which sucks major ass….I told my mom that I wanted bluex232.com for my birthday. So hopefully in the next month or so I will have that and it will be nice.
Alright, I have rambled enough for today. Oh yea, I made a haiku for chris' website a few days ago if you would like to read it check out
theChris and click on Help Desk Haikus. I figured I would give anyone who wants something else to read an idea. Yea I know you could care less, lol.
…..You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?