Ho hum, I am bored at work today, I am on walk-in this morning, and it has been pretty dead. I finally did the dishes last night, almost every dish I had was dirty, because I had been putting it off. The last couple of days I have been washing just a few dishes so that I could just turn around and use them to eat a meal. Yea it sucked, but doing the dishes is one of the worst things to me. It always has been. Even when I was little, and I would help my mom clean, she would always ask if I wanted to do the dishes or clean the bathroom, and I always chose the bathroom. I didn’t mind cleaning the stinky toilet or a grimy bathtub, as long as I didn’t have to do the dishes. Maybe that was my life calling, maybe I should forget about this college thing and become a janitor, lol. Or maybe I could graduate and become a professional janitor. I’m sure whoever cleans J-Lo’s toilet makes a hell of a lot more money than I do….so yeah.
I had polish sausages for dinner last night, I would have liked to have had them on a bun, but I didn’t feel like running to the store, so I just ate them with a fork, which is what I do 90% of the time anyways. I managed to not set the smoke alarm off which was a good thing. The last few times I have cooked I have set it off cuz I forget to turn on the vent/fan above the stove. I wish I wasn’t such a picky eater, cuz I really get sick of having the same 5-6 meals all the time.
This is what my meals consists of:
~Polish sausage
~Chicken Sticks/Strips/Patties (which I deep fry and they all taste the same they are just different forms)
~Chicken Pot Pies
Those are the meals I have when I feel like cooking. If I don’t feel like cooking then it is Ramon Noodles, cereal or a sandwich. Every once in a while I will get a piece of steak or some pork chops, but that is maybe once a month at the most. I have looked for various recipes and stuff, but when you don’t like most of the common foods, it is hard to find some good food. I mean I don’t like onions, mayonnaise, mushrooms, peppers, shrimp, BBQ sauce/seasoning, bananas, cake, Chinese/Japanese/Vietnamese/Korean/etc. food, shrimp, sour cream, cream cheese, bagels, nuts (almonds, pecans, cashews, etc), beans (I make my chili without them unless someone else will be eating it as well), anything other than steak cooked on the grill, fish (unless it’s a stick or from McDonalds), hamburger (unless it’s from McDonalds, don’t ask me why), bananas, cake (unless its an ice-cream cake) and that’s just the things I can think of right now. Then I have my weird food (dis)likings, for example: I like oranges but not orange juice, apples but not apple juice, peanut butter Capt. Crunch but not peanut butter or peanuts, raspberry yogurt but not raspberries, strawberries but not strawberry juice, sliced black olives but now whole ones, carrot cake but not carrots or cake for that matter! I dunno, it’s just kinda weird.
On another note I am definitely gonna be Bryan’s record of 49 seconds in the great, HawkID Password Reset Challenge 2004....Bring it on!
You better bring it....Oh, it's already been brought-en.