So this post will pry be my longest yet since I have a lot to say about the past 6 days that I have not had access to my blog. I will just section it out in days….
WEDNESDAY: Wednesday I woke up at about 5:30. I made a couple of CD’s for the car ride, and headed out at about 7:00. The drive wasn’t too bad, it went by pretty fast, and I listened to the Kiss greatest hits CD. I remembered how much I really like their songs. There were several songs that I used to love when I was younger but had since forgotten about them. On another music note, I can’t get enough Hoobastank. I have always liked ‘the Reason’ but I am in love with that song now. Ok back to the drive, I was extra excited to see the 70mph sign on 35 once I hit Minnesota. It made it even better that my parents were stuck on some small little road going 55. hehe. I went the wrong way just before I reached my destination. My directions said to stay straight onto 169 N. I stayed straight, but was in the right lane when I should have been in the left lane or something and ended up on 169 S. I ended up just meeting the rents @ Valleyfair and went to the hotel from there.
Then we hit the Mall of America. It was a pretty good time, my Uncle Beaver and his daughters (Sam and Sarah), and their friend (Nola) met us there. I got some jeans and a couple of shirts. I was quite bummed to realize that the Playboy store was not there. So now I am just going to have to order whatever I want for my apartment through the catalog or website. Boooo!! After the mall we went back to the hotel and ate. Gunnar and the girls swam, the water was really foggy looking, and I decided I was not clean enough for me to swim in. I should really get over this dirty water issue I have, some day I may be in a situation where I will have to get in dirty water and I won’t be able to. Oh well though.
THURSDAY: we got up and got ready to head to Valleyfair, we got there at about 930. The park opened at 10. The crowd wasn’t too bad, the lines were usually about 10 minutes long or so which isn’t bad at all. Gunnar did his usual ‘I don’t want to go on that its too scary’ thing that he always does the first day. We just make him go anyways. He has been on all the rides anyways, he just gets nervous. We started the water rides about 1 or 2. We rode the Wave first which is the one where the big boat splashes down under the bridge and people on the bridge get soaked. Ok this is a ride where you usually get wet, but this time we got completely soaked, seriously, there was not a dry spot on any of us. The look on my uncle’s face was classic, my family expected to get pretty wet cuz you normally do, I guess they had never been on it, so had no idea, it was great. it was even better since we got even wetter than normal, hehe.
We also went on the new rollercoaster,
Steel Venom. It was pretty awesome; I had never been on a coaster like this. The
Boomerang in Worlds of Fun is the closest thing to it that I have been on (but id wasn’t a hanging rollercoaster). I really enjoyed it, all except for the huge ugly bruises that I got on my arms from it, when you went backwards the second time, it stopped for about a second at the top of the track, which forced you to slam into the chest harness in front of you, it killed my arms, but it was fun anyways. We also rode the go karts before we left. This is where the drama started happening.
As we were leaving Gunnar decided he wanted to go on the Chaos ride one more time since we were walking past it, so I went on it with him, while the girls went out to the car to wait. As we (the rents, my uncle, Gunnar, and I) approached the car, Sarah came running over saying that this guy was beating up his girlfriend and we needed to take her home. as we rushed over there was a girl sitting in my uncle’s car that was bleeding from her head somewhere, amongst the commotion, we found out that my cousin Sam who is 15, had gone and sat down next to this girl on the ground to comfort her and the guy had picked her up and thrown her to the ground and told her to stay away from his girlfriend. Well hearing this my uncle got pissed cuz someone had touched his daughter, so he was yelling back and fourth, my mom told me to get the license plate of the car they were in, so the guy started yelling at her. Asking if she wanted to a piece of him, to which she replied ‘BRING IT ON CLETUS!’ (I had to add that part cuz my mom gets a big kick out of it, hehe….for those of you who don’t know why watch the Nutty Professor). So my dad called the cops. I found it quite amusing that they guy was yelling ‘CALL THE COPS I DON’T CARE, CALL THE COPS, DO IT, ILL KICK YOUR ASS’ (I’m sure there were several swear words in there too, but I decided to just stick with the story rather than fill it with F’this and F’that), however the second the cops showed up, they were in the car and sped out of the parking lot. The cops got them, but I guess he wasn’t in the car (which was registered to someone else), I think that when the cops pulled up everyone looked at the cops and the guy jumped in another car with his sister, while his friend sped off in his car to get the cops to follow him. So the girl of course (who was 16 and had been dating this almost 18 yr old for 10 months) was not cooperating with the police and told them that his name was Anthony and she didn’t know his last name cuz it was Asian, and she didn’t want to call her parents because they would kill her and blame her for the whole incident. Meanwhile the guys brother stood around (while he “checked his oil”) listening to what she was telling the police. When they approached him he told the police that he didn’t see anything and that his name was Anthony as well as his brothers name being Anthony….yea is was just one big cluster fuck of people not telling the police anything. Come to find out the reason that all of this happen was because the girl wanted to go on a water ride, the guy told her that if she did she wasn’t getting in his car, so she decided to just watch the ride and he got pissed….yea that’s really something to beat your girlfriend for huh? So yea that drama lasted for about an hour, and then we went back to the hotel and went to bed.
FRIDAY: Friday we went to valley fair again, we rode the rides again, and my uncle and the girls left earlier then we did. Before we left, dad decided that Gunnar and I should get those character pictures drawn of us (I will have them posted ASAP). So we got one and then the rents decided to get one of them too, they are pretty funny. My mom laughed for like two hours afterwards….ok let me explain, my mother is the happiest person on the face of the earth….seriously she is always smiling and laughing, it’s like the joker (which she was for Halloween one year, hehe). I think she smiles in her sleep. When she was getting the picture drawn, the guy told her that she could stop smiling cuz he was done drawing that part and my dad said ‘no, she cant’ and she was like ‘he’s right I cant, I cant help it!’ it is crazy how happy go luck she is, Gunnar is like that a lot of the time too. My dad and I on the other hand are not, we are grumps, and are in bad moods a lot, but you get used to it. After Valleyfair we just went to bed.
SATURDAY: Saturday was the drive back, it wasn’t too eventful, took us a while to figure out which way we needed to leave, and the traffic was moving slow for a while. We stopped at Cabela’s on the way….I got a shirt, and then we went to eat and drove the rest of the way to Iowa City. We packed up some more of my stuff, had some pizza and went to bed. Gunnar called me gay, it was hilarous, i did something and he was like 'dawna you're really happy' and i was like 'what does that mean?' and he goes....'well theres two ways of saying gay.' ....yea nice, huh? hehe. Not really an eventful day.
SUNDAY: Moving day! Yay!! We managed to move all of my crap in about 3-4 loads, it was nice that I called early and they said I could get the key before noon, so we had all my stuff moved before other people started moving in, it was nice not to have to fight traffic. We also went to Wal-Mart and got some stuff that I needed for the new place. Dad put my futon together while mom and I unpacked some of my crap, got most of the clothes put away and the kitchen stuff is done. The rents left about 7:00 which sucks for them cuz they didn’t get home till bout midnight. Mike when to Hy-Vee with me to get some food, then it was bed time.
So I apologize for the long post, but hey I had a lot of time to cover. So I guess I’ll stop for now….
Come on Cletus! It aint nuthin' but a short walk. You might walk over, but you limpin' back! I aint no easy win!