Oh…my…GOD!!!! The noise! I can’t take the noise anymore. They are doing construction on the sidewalks out side of work, and omg the noise in our office is horrific!! They might as well be jack hammering right in our office! Walk in especially sucks because you have to yell at the damn customers for them to hear you! Now I admit it is nice to yell at some customers, but doing it all day long just ruins the fun of it, and of course today is the one day that I am actually on walk in ALL DAY LONG!! At least with the phone calls you can turn the volume up in the ear piece and talk really close to the phone to hear and be heard. I can’t wait for my lunch break which is at 11:30 I think. Wait let me pause to enjoy this moment of silence. The noise has stopped momentarily, and it is GGGGREAA……damn it its back, not that I expected it to really be over, but you know that you always have that small little piece of hope deep down inside. You try not to get your hopes up but you cant help it, you try not to think good thoughts because you don’t want to jinx it, but you always do…..(the noise has stopped once again for now). I really can’t wait for today to be over. Well at least the work part of it, oh wait now it is just teasing us with short little bursts of noise….noise……noise…..noise….and now its back full blown. >8=3 ( (notice the angry eyebrows and flared nostrils…and no Chris there are no BOOBIES!!). I can tell that we are not the only office having this issue for when the noise down here stops for a moment I can hear more noise in the distance….ohh Yay a phone call….hold on…………………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………………ok well that was fun, email question, on a lighter note, the noise had stopped for its longest period yet! HURRAY!!! YIPPEEEEE!! YEE HAA!! UH HUH… UH HUH… UH HUH, UH HUH, UH HUH!! Ok enough of that. Speaking of phone calls, I got one today from a guy who said….”I was just looking up my hawk-id information, and it said I was in the Iowa domain and I needed to call this number.” So I asked him if he needed the hawk-id and he said “no, it I have it but it said that students in the Iowa domain had to call this number. I figured it was a required thing.” So overall the guy needed nothing from me and I told him that if he had a problem with something then he would have to call this number…. It was quite interesting and he was quite embarrassed, lol.
Yesterday was a pretty uneventful day as most of my days tend to be. Worked and went home hoping to find my air conditioner working, which it was not. God trying to sleep in a 90 degree apartment sucks major ass!! But I am dealing with it; thankfully I have an ice pack to cuddle with. My dinners are consisting of all cold foods so that I don’t have to heat the apartment even more with the oven or stove. (Update, still no noise!! My hopes of it being over with are really getting high now even though I know it will start again. One of the workers must have had to relieve them selves or something). I finally played my Manhunt game last night; I got it at the Mall of America, but hadn’t played it yet. It is a pretty good game so far. Grant-it I have only played the first level, but you are an inmate that was sentenced to death. The world thinks you died at the scheduled time; however you lived, and wake up on the metal table you supposedly died on. You have to go around the city, sneaking up on people and killing them, I have so far come across plastic bags to suffocate people with and glass shards to stab people with. It is somewhat violent, and from what I remember, the creators were asked to tone it down before it was released. I would like to see the even more violent version. The guy at the store where we bought it told my parents that it was “rated M, and a pretty violent and extreme game” when my little brother put in on the counter. He reluctantly sold it to use when my mother told him that that game was for me not Gunnar. Apparently he wasn’t sure if I could handle it either….mmm hmm.
I still have 5 or six boxes that need unpacking; I am really putting it off. I am using the excuse that I don’t have a hammer and nails yet, (and the noise starts yet again…kill me now PLEASE!!) even though very little of the stuff I have left to put away needs either. Oh well though, I like to unpack the wall/ceiling stuff (like those glow in the dark planets and stars) and electronic stuff first, and then all the other crap (like books, school stuff, desk stuff, shoes, yada yada….) last. I guess that’s just the way I do things, either that or I am just being lazy, you can decide for yourself if you want to. I for one think it works out nicely however others have told me that I am doing it wrong….
My cold is going away some, I am averaging only a half a box of Kleenex (or half a roll of toilet paper today) a day rather than a full one. My sore throat is pretty much gone as well. The throat spray stuff that my mom got for me was about nasty. It was supposed to taste like cherry; I thought it tasted like sucking on a band-aid. I mean I don’t eat cherries often at all (and no I don’t mean it that way for all of you dirty minded people out there) but last time I checked they don’t taste like band-aids. It was also quite a task to not numb your tongue in the process of using the spray, you had to open your mouth, stick the spray nozzle as close to the back of your throat as possible. I still sprayed my tongue 98 % of the time.
Well yea I suppose that’s enough for now.
so today i wont quote a movie, but Seinfeld rather.....
Ah, could you do me a favor? Will you shut up?!?