Since it is my birthday today, I am working on a this is your life post, so look for that later today....and here it is.
FYI!!! This is going to be a long post…
Twenty three years ago at 4:09 p.m. the miracle of birth was happening once again. Yes in St, Luke’s Hospital in Sioux City, IA my mother was giving a painful natural birth to yours truly. It had started 14 hours earlier, with moms water breaking in the basement of my grandma’s house (were the rents were living at the time). I came into the world being strangled by my own umbilical cord (yes, I know…somebody loves me). The rents got to hold me, and then it was off to ICU to make sure I was breathing ok. Dad wanted to name me Donna (like my mom) and she said no, my grandpa suggested Dawn, and dad said he saw something on TV about Dawna, and mom went to high school with someone named Dawna, so there I was. And there we were one small happy family, Donnie (Don now a days), Donna, and Dawna (yea say that ten times real fast!).
On the Move
When I was 9 months I started to walk (before I started to crawl, yea that’s how I like to do things), after walking came running, which I would do when the rents and I would walk down to Uncle Johns (a record store, where apparently the jingling of change meant the regular masturbator was at it again…yea nice, I know). Every time we walked there I would run…then I would fall…on my face. There was a period of time were I had sores on my face from it all the time, by the time they would heal, it would happen again. But I guess anything worth doing is worth doing right!!
My Love for the Garbage Men
At the rip old age of about a year I threw my pacifier in the garbage, I didn’t need that old thing anymore (I was destined for great things)….then I caved and wanted it back. Mom would not give in, so I stood at the front door screaming at the garbage men to “BRING BACK MY GARBAGE!!!” (Yea I bet they don’t get that too often). Us being the rich family we were, I guess when I was bored one day dad cut out arm holes and a head hole in a diaper box (back then they came in big ass boxes, not bags) and I wore it around as a robot….those were the days. Lol, I also used a ten gallon bucket as a swimming pool.
Carol Anne Enters my Life
I don’t have much about age three, except that I got
Carol Anne (she is sitting in the chair in this picture), my cabbage patch doll that I still have to this day, and yes, she still goes places with me. I mean I don’t carry her to the mall with me, but when I go out of town or something, she is with me. If there was a fire and I could only grab a few things she would pry be the first. 8-)
My Hy-Vee Experiences
When I was 4 my mom and grandma took my to Hy-Vee with them, well they were walking and talking, and I stopped in the isle while they kept going…when they got to the end of the isle, they noticed I wasn’t there and turned around….and there I stood at the other end of the isle with my hands on my hips….I yelled as loud as I could… “DON’T YOU KNOW THAT SOMEBODY COULD KIDNAP ME!?!?” Yea I was good at embarrassing people. My grandma did get me back though another time when we were eating at the Hy-Vee cafeteria and she spilled a big ass glass of freezing cold lemonade on my lap. I screamed a blood curdling scream so loud that the cooks came out thinking that someone got burned. I walked out of Hy-Vee looking like a Charmin commercial with 500 napkins stuffed in my pants.
I went to kindergarten when I was and the teacher called me Jordache because that’s what my dress said. Here I met Sandy, who called me pretty girl…yea she flunked kindergarten and had to take it over…enough said. I had a birthday party and invited every girl in the class…22 in all; I thought it was great, the rents thought it was a nightmare I'm sure. Someone squished and killed one of my pet mice, Minnie or Mickey; I don’t remember which one…I learned to ride a bike this year and started going to Patti’s as well (my babysitter). I also got Buffy this year (full name Princess Buffy) my first and only dog. She was a tan Cocker Spaniel, and she was just a puppy.
When I was in second grade we moved, and I Sandy re-entered my life. We lived right next door to her, so I became friends with her again. That lasted about a year or so, then we had a fight, and didn’t play as much. I also got into tee ball. The coaches’ kid, Beth, and I were a great combination as pitcher and 1st baseman. New Kids on the Block were my life… (I heart(ed) Jordan Knight!!). My bedroom walls were painted Pepto-Bismol Pink, and I had the bright pink bedspread and sheets, bright pink curtains, posters, bright pink phone…I had books, shirts, movies, and cassette tapes…everything you could think of. My parents took me to a concert in Minneapolis (I think) and it was an outdoor one…from what I remember we were so far back they looked like little ants, and people were being crushed under the stage, and the paramedics were all over the place rescuing people, lol.
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
In 3 (I think) grade I fell down a big ass hole (no, not a big asshole, a big ass HOLE). Dad played softball, and they were building new lights for the fields, so they had big holes dug to stick them in. They had these big blue plastic covers that were on them, that were supposed to be held down with these metal poles, but the one by our field was not. My cousin betted me I wasn’t strong enough to lift up the blue thing, me not knowing what was under it was up for the challenge. So I lifted up the end of it, and looked back to say ‘see I told you I could do it’ when I slipped and fell in letting the lid close behind me….yea the whole was like 10-12 feet deep, which may not seem quite so big now, but when your only 3 feet tall, its never ending. I thought I was a goner! Luckily my dad had just looked over and was going to yell for me to put the lid down, so he saw me fall. The game was stopped, and they had to lower the tallest guy around down the hole by his feet to get me out. Yea dad was pissed cuz the thing wasn’t locked and we spent quite a while in the managers office of the complex. The next morning, mom found a tick sucking away at my head; the thing had grown to about the size of a dime over night. I think we got it out with a match, but I'm not for sure.
Middle School
Ok well let’s skip ahead a few years to get this ball a rollin’. In sixth grade Gunnar was born, one of the best years so far!! (see my website for more on him). I had my first boyfriend, Jacob Johnson. We were only boyfriend and girlfriend as school though, because he refused to talk to me on the phone, I don’t know why…I did hit him in the balls with a soccer ball in gym class really hard one day, and that was funny. We dated all year, didn’t talk all summer, and then I guess just both assumed that it was over when 7th grade started… yea strange I know. My next boyfriend was half way through 7th grade (Quintin, who died in a motorcycle accident a few months ago) we dated till high school.
High School
High school wasn’t too bad, played softball, basketball, volleyball, ran track for a year, and was a cheerleader for 3 years. Became really good friends with Jennifer, and became to hate some of my previous friends. The boyfriend situation is way too long and complicated, so I won’t go into that. I got my first job at Hardee’s, which was a pretty good time most of the time. Worked with some pretty good people that I really miss sometimes, like Marvin 8-(, as well as some skanky hoe’s that I wish I would have punched when I had the chance, I need not name names here, you know who you are. I bought my first car, the Plymouth Sundance. It was a 1990, red, and I loved it. Now it is pry dead somewhere, lol.
Ok so now I'm at the University of Iowa, and that’s all the updating I want to go to, this is too long, already, so I wont bore you with the last 5 years of my live, 18 is enough right!?!?