In god we trust...all others are suspects

Name: bluex232
Location: Wisconsin, United States

Mike and I became parents on March 7th 2008 to a beautiful baby boy Ryne Scott. The main purpose of this blog is to keep our families updated since we are so far away from them. Check back for updates often!!



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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
So my will power to remain only a student and not a helpdesk employee during class paid off yet again yesterday. Our T.A. could not figure out how to get the video to work on the projector…he got the sound going, but couldn’t figure out how to change the video over. I considered going up there and showing him how to do it…but then thought of all the other students in the class, and how I figured they would enjoy a day off…I didn’t want to ruin that so I just sat back and watched, and alas….class was cancelled!! YAY!!

Well everything was broken at work this morning…that was a great time. People calling in saying they couldn’t get here or there…the emergency line ringing non stop…wonderful, wonderful helpdesk days! Rebekah would be glad to know that she did not miss much by going to class, things were pretty much up and running pretty well by about 8:45. everything that is except ISIS (for about 10 minutes), which was somewhat ironic, because when everything else was broken just 10 minutes before, ISIS was working fine….the share point site was available long enough for people to see where they worked around 850, then went back down about five minutes later.

So what was the most annoying thing about everything being broken? Two words….VOICEMAIL….yea…here is how the typical message went… “Um, hi, my name is (blah, blah) and I can’t get into my Webmail. I have tried it several times, and it was just working last night, and I tried to log onto ISIS and that worked fine, so I know the password is correct, but I just don’t know what else to do. So if you could give me a call back, maybe there is something else I could try, I mean I just don’t know why it is not working, especially if ISIS is not working…my HawkID is (blah) and my password is (blah) and I know the password works cuz like I said is it working for ISIS, and my student ID number is (blah). So if you could call me back I would appreciate it thanx bye…oh wait my number is (blah-blah-blah).” Yea just when I thought HA you didn’t leave your number dumbass…they realized it and left it, and yea there were several people that did this…kinda weird. Then there was the guy that said in the mean time he was going to “try to find a back door to this HawkID thing” that was not allowing him to log on…..rrrrrriight. Good luck with that one buddy…On top of that I think that everyones hawkid password expired today!! ARGGGH!!

Holy shit has anyone else noticed the stench of campus lately?!? Yesterday it smelled like a giant ASS!! Seriously I think someone took the biggest shit yesterday right in the middle of downtown. It was horrible…now today it smells like garbage…oh how I love Iowa City…

Come on, think. I want you to reach back into those minds and tell me, tell us all, what it is you fantasize about. World peace? I thought so. Do you fantasize about international fame? Do you fantasize about winning a Pulitzer Prize? Or a Nobel Peace Prize? An MTV Music Award? Do you fantasize about meeting some genius hunk, ostensibly bad but secretly simmering with noble passion and willing to sleep on the wet spot?
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