In god we trust...all others are suspects

Name: bluex232
Location: Wisconsin, United States

Mike and I became parents on March 7th 2008 to a beautiful baby boy Ryne Scott. The main purpose of this blog is to keep our families updated since we are so far away from them. Check back for updates often!!



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Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Freeze warning in effect until1 PM for the following portions of Iowa City...S. Lindquist Center....people in room 15 should be extra cautious..
BbbbbbRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I am freezing at work!! Is the fucking air conditioner on or what!! I seriously feel like I am in Antarctica. I feel like one of the little penguins waddling around down there. I really understand why they waddle, other than the fact that they don’t really have a choice based on their body form, but I don’t want to get any part of my body to far away from the other parts because I know they when the part comes back my the rest of my body it is going to be freezing!! Stupid cold weather…

So yea I got this comment on one of my previous post, that looked like a spam comment or something, it looked like it had advertisements at the bottom or something. So I tried to delete it and I accidentally deleted a comment from thechris cuz Blogger is stupid and has the trash cans in a way so that it looks like you are deleting one post, but your really deleting another. So I told Chris about this and blamed my deleting his post on the comment spammer. So Chris went to the guys blog and wished armpit lice on him, lol…then I realized that it was really just a post from someone random who was pry just trying to be nice, but I mean if your posts look like advertisements, and then your blog has an advertisement about a saving wildlife foundation or something, I guess you could expect people to think that your spamming. So I felt a little bad about that, but I got over it, lol. I guess the guy just goes through the new Blogger thing at the top of the page (not this page cuz I disabled mine) and looks at random blogs and posts if he likes them. So yea I think he was also the one that commented again with ‘get a life’ pry after reading the lice threats, lol.

Yea still cold, and I think the windows start up sound just came out of my speakers, but hmmm, my windows was already started….maybe it was a delayed reaction, the computer was running pretty slow this morning, but I dunno. I would imagine that it would have happened by now since I have been here for an hour and 32 minutes (Yay!! 32!!!). I also just got attacked by a giganto fly! Mark won’t let me start a fire in the garbage can…BOOOO to Mark!! Mark is now the Fire Nazi. FIRE NAZI!!!

Ok well I guess I will go back to freezing at work, since it is a pain in the ass to type when my fingers are this cold….

I love you Jack.
~Don't you do that, don't say your good-byes.
I'm so cold.
~I don't know about you, but I intend on writing a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all of this. You're gonna go on, and make lots of babies, and watch them grow. You're gonna die an old lady, warm in her bed. Not here, not this night. Do you understand me? Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor, Rose. Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.
I personally think that witnessing Wolcott's 'fire ball' or 'flame ball' (or whatever it was called) at the HD BBQ was experience enough....8-)
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