In god we trust...all others are suspects

Name: bluex232
Location: Wisconsin, United States

Mike and I became parents on March 7th 2008 to a beautiful baby boy Ryne Scott. The main purpose of this blog is to keep our families updated since we are so far away from them. Check back for updates often!!



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Friday, May 13, 2005
One final update...well for a while at least...
Well I don’t have pictures of the new car yet, but I figured I would post and let the few of you who read this know that my internet (regular phone) at home is going to be shut off on Friday the 13th. So I will most likely not be posting on a regular basis, and I will not be checking my email everyday. I dunno how I’m gonna get along for the next few months without internet, but I am getting rid of it so that I have about 70 bucks more a month if I need it for bills or otherwise to save for moving in August. Hopefully I will have enough saved by then to move and put deposit down somewhere.

Man am I bored. Tonight is going so slow, its only 8:30 and I feel like I have been here for 12 hours already, and it’s only been five and a half. Three more hours to go, well two and a half I guess, BOOO. So yea to help pass time I am typing this to email to myself to post later tonight when I get home. I really wish we had internet access at work, I mean it really sucks not to, but I guess I have just gotten used to it since I have had it at most of the jobs I’ve had where I am sitting at a computer the whole time. While I’m not just sitting at the computer at this job, there is a computer here and it would be nice to have something to pass the time a little faster. Ah well, no use complaining here. On a happy note, next week I am working at the building by Kirkwood, so my drive will only be 20 minutes everyday, YAY for saving gas!!!

So I was driving home the other day and I was on a street just off Gilbert, and this deer was slowly walking across the street, so I stopped to wait. As I came closer to it, it started to turn around and go back the other way, as it did a car in the opposite lane approached, so the deer started to freak out, not knowing where to go, so it ran back into the middle of the street, then changed its mind and decided it wanted to go back towards the trees. So it tried to turn around on the cement, and BOOM, its feet went flying out from under it and it slammed onto the ground…well then the deer was scared shitless, so it tried to scramble up as fast as it could, and as it was getting up its feet slipped again and it went head and neck first into the ground again…finally it made it across the street and into the woods…it was so funny, seriously the deer looked like Bambi when Bambi was trying to walk on the ice, it was great…

I can’t wait to get home and watch the shows I taped; Dr. Phil was an update on the Dr. Phil family, so I taped that. Then there are the normal Thursday night shows, Joey, Apprentice, and ER. Hopefully channel 7 is clear enough this week to see on the tape. It’s really weird that I will leave and the channel is clear, come home and the channel is clear, but the tape is all messed up…it is really annoying. Well, I guess that’s all I can think of to ramble on about…I guess I wasted a half an hour or so, back to work I go!!
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