Mike and I became parents on March 7th 2008 to a beautiful baby boy Ryne Scott. The main purpose of this blog is to keep our families updated since we are so far away from them. Check back for updates often!!
Well I didn't get a chance to update anymore on the trip, but thats ok. Gunnar had his appointment and the news was so so... We found out that Gunnar's bladder is about 1/3 of the size it should be, Dr. Gearheart suggested Gunnar have a bladder augmentation in which they take the bladder and cut it open to form like a half sphere, then they take part of the intestine and use it to form the other half of the sphere (to make the bladder bigger). Then they will take his appendix and attach one end of it to the new bigger bladder and attach the other end to his belly button. Then instead of going to the bathroom like normal, he will just have to put a catheter into the hole where his belly button should be like 5-6 times a day. This gives him a 95% change of being dry, which means no more pull-ups! While the no pull-ups thing is good, the whole having to cath himself is a little scary for him, and it was pretty unexpected as Dr. Donovan (his normal urologist) had never mentioned this possibility. So everyone is still talking it over, it turns out there is a 19 yr old that lives in Sioux City that had this surgery 7 years ago, so Mom, Dad, and Gunnar went to meet him and get a better idea of everything. I guess the guy was really nice and Gunnar seemed to like him, and he was able to answer a lot of questions having gone through it himself. So Gunnar is now saying that he doesn't want to have to wear pull-ups the rest of his life, so I think he is leaning more towards this surgery now. But they are still talking about it so we will see what happens, hopefully all goes well. Well I don't have much time so thats about all for now, I'm still going to the library to get internet access, so I will update more when I get a chance.