In god we trust...all others are suspects

Name: bluex232
Location: Wisconsin, United States

Mike and I became parents on March 7th 2008 to a beautiful baby boy Ryne Scott. The main purpose of this blog is to keep our families updated since we are so far away from them. Check back for updates often!!



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Sunday, August 07, 2005
Greetings from Baltimore…
Well Milwaukee has been going well, I am working at a pet store right now, which I love cuz I love animals as you all know. I am interviewing for a police dispatching job as well, so hopefully I will get that. Gunnar has an appointment at the John Hopkins Children’s Hospital tomorrow, so the family came up on Friday and stayed the night. We left for Baltimore on Saturday, it was getting late with the loss of an hour cuz of the time change, so after about 14 hours of driving we stopped in Pennsylvania and stayed the night, then got up this morning and drove the last 150 miles to Baltimore. We went to Washington DC today site seeing, it was pretty neat, and none of us has been there before so it was new to us all. We just parked and walked from place to place, pry a couple of miles overall. We saw the White House, Capital Building (from a far) Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, World War II Memorial, and the Vietnam Vets wall. It was really neat to actually see all this stuff. We were thinking of going to see the ocean but decided we didnt want to drive that far so we decided on this instead, which was a good decision cuz it was a great time. Washington monument is pretty huge, makes Sioux City's Floyd Monument look like a pencil. The weather was pretty good, a little hot, but overall today was a fun day. Tomorrow Gunnar has his appointment which should take a few hours, then we’re gonna see some more stuff in Baltimore. Tuesday we will leave for Cleveland, and site see Tuesday then go to Cedar Point Amusement Park on Wednesday and Thursday. We are all pretty excited.

I still don’t have internet at home, so I have been going to the library periodically to check email and stuff, so I haven’t had any updates yet. But the Children’s house we are staying in has internet so here I am. Well I am gonna get going, just wanted to update everything. I’ll possibly update more later in the trip.
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