In god we trust...all others are suspects

Name: bluex232
Location: Wisconsin, United States

Mike and I became parents on March 7th 2008 to a beautiful baby boy Ryne Scott. The main purpose of this blog is to keep our families updated since we are so far away from them. Check back for updates often!!



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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Gunnar surgery update 1...
Im in Baltimore, Gunnar is at the hospital, to make things easy here is the email my dad sent out to the family...

"Hey,Well it was one long ass day.Gunnar is supposed to be check in at noon today. The hospital callsabout 9:00 AM and says, don't come over cuz we don't have a room andwe should wait for them to call and tell us they have a room...


So we wait until about 3ish and they call telling us they have a room. Off we go.

The cargo thing on top of the vehicle is not compatible with theparking ramps around here. The one across the street from the RonaldMcDonald House kinda scraped entering and I thought it was gonna teara light off the building when we left, so instead of parking in a rampacross the street from the hospital we have to park a few blocks awayin a parking lot. Not a big deal during the day, but at night, this is not the best neighborhood.

We get checked in and because we were not there at the time we weresupposed to be, they gotta stick a tube down Gunnar's nose and throatto give him the medicine to clean him out. Guess there was somegagging on his part and Donna about passed out. Dawna of course had no problems with any of this, me of course I waited in his room.

They tried several times to get an IV in him with no success. They had to call in the IV Specialist and they nailed it first try. Hmmmmm whynot have them do it in the first place. Dawna said they were abouther age. Gunnar had to help them out by telling them where not tostick him, cuz there is an "Artery" in one of the places they talkedabout sticking him.

We (Dawna and I) bugged out about 7:30 and he was sitting on the "Portable Crapper" giving it hell.We got to the parking lot with no problems, then we had to find our wayback here. Once we got here we took the bug covered cargo thingie offand took it to the room, hope all the critters on the front of it are dead.

The surgery is at 9:00 tomorrow...We'll keep everyone updated."

So that is what has been going on. Work has been good so far, I have just been reading policies and stuff for the first few days, when I get back into town, the real work will begin. My captain called me into his office yesterday to review my psych eval, and he told me that he also wanted to mention that he thought I had the best interview that he had done in the last 8-10 YEARS! He said that he was very impressed with it, that I was very confident, that I seemed very wordly for my age, and that I was not cocky about it. He said that he could see me moving up quickly in this department if I decided to stay there. I thought that that was pretty awesome. He said some more stuff from the eval about how I really seemed like someone that would make a great cop, so that was neat. Other than that nothing is really going on, so I guess I'll be done for the night.
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