Well, Dad wrote an email, but for some dumbass reason, the library has the computers so locked down that you cannot even copy and paste things!! WTF?? He also sent some pictures (which I'm sure you can tell) that I am attaching, one before and one right after he got to recovery (he was freezing... 8-( poor little guy). I tried posting more, but couldn't get it working, I'm not sure if that is because of the library computer or if it is because of Blogger...I dunno if there is a max amount of pics you can put in one post...
Anyways, I left Baltimore on Saturday, it sucks that I can't be there still, but I guess thats the way it goes...Gunnar is doing good, he is now able to sit up in a chair. I guess he has been up yesterday and today...he still isn't walking or eating anything. The doctor is still waiting for his bowel to 'wake up' before the tube in his nose comes out, then he will be able to slowly start eating.
He is still really itchy from the epidural, they gave him some medicine for it, but I guess he is still pretty itchy. He had big scratch marks on his back when I left, and I guess he still does.
I guess he actually got some tape from his arm stuck on the epidural when he was trying to scratch, but luckly the epidural didn't fall out. That is probably what is keeping him from having pain, so we want that to stay in, the last one he had umpteen years ago fell out shortly after surgery, so he had to have tylenol as I remember...I dunno though could be wrong on that one. He is not on the oxygen anymore, he was on it all the time at first, then he was just on it when he was asleep, but I guess now that is gone, which is good. One less thing that he has hanging around his nose.
Well thats about it for now...work has been good, I'm actually starting to learn/do stuff so thats cool. I guess I will update more in the next few days.