Mike and I became parents on March 7th 2008 to a beautiful baby boy Ryne Scott. The main purpose of this blog is to keep our families updated since we are so far away from them. Check back for updates often!!
Well I guess it’s time I make an announcement on myspace since most of the families know now…Mike and I are expecting!! I am just starting my fourth month; my due date is March 10!! We are both pretty excited. It was something that we had been discussing for a while, and decided that we weren’t officially “trying” yet, but if it happened then it happened, and it did! Everyone was pretty much shocked; I don’t think there was anybody in either family that was expecting this anytime soon, lol. It is finally starting to hit us know that we are telling people.
We went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and got to hear the heartbeat, which was pretty cool. We are going to have an ultrasound near the end of October and will probably find out what we are having so we can get most of the stuff we need bought. We have been looking down the baby isles when we shop now, but haven’t really bought anything, we’re mostly just looking at the ‘themes’ but haven’t really chosen anything.
I think I am almost out of the morning sickness phase…or at least I hope I am!! 8-) I haven’t actually gotten sick very much, maybe 4-5 times, but I feel pretty crappy for at least a few hours almost everyday. Usually a couple hours after I get up or it starts in the evening. Has been lasting a lot longer when I get it at night, which sucks when I work late shift, but like I said I can’t complain too much because I have only thrown up 4-5 times.
I am just starting to realize that my pants feel tight, which means aside from work I have been living in sweats, lol. I saw some maternity pants a few weeks ago and I am not looking forward to buying them, lol. Hopefully I will find some cuter ones when the time comes. Gunnar was upset to hear this week that I wasn’t fat yet, lol. I think his words were: “So how FAT are you now??” and when I told him you could hardly tell he came back with “AUH, that’s not fair, you’re supposed to get FAT!!” (What else are little brothers good for besides getting upset that you aren’t fat yet, lol) I just laughed at him; he is such a little goof ball, he was happy to hear though that I still had six months to get fat and that I was going to send him pictures.
I have been looking through the baby names book slowly and have picked out a few that I like, but I am still only half way through the girls’ names. We decided that we are going to keep our middle names for the baby, since mine is Rae and so is my moms, and Mike’s is Scott and so is his dad’s, we figured we would keep up with the tradition (or maybe we are making it a tradition…whichever).
Well I guess that’s all I have to say about it for now, I will be posting some belly pictures when I get to the point were its noticeable. Thanks for reading the news!!