In god we trust...all others are suspects

Name: bluex232
Location: Wisconsin, United States

Mike and I became parents on March 7th 2008 to a beautiful baby boy Ryne Scott. The main purpose of this blog is to keep our families updated since we are so far away from them. Check back for updates often!!



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Friday, November 23, 2007
Quick Update and New Pics!
Well I had another doctors appointment on the 22nd, it was pretty short and sweet. Everything still looks good, I think I was 137 at my last appointment and I was 143 at this appointment. I didn't take my shoes or jacket off this time so I pry am more like 140ish, which is good cuz I am finally gaining weight (not that I am really looking forward to it, but it's gonna happen and it's healthy!!). The baby has been moving like crazy these last few weeks, it is really neat to watch. Been trying to get it on tape and finally got it, had to put the remote on my belly so you could really see the movement, lol. Still having trouble getting it to upload though, maybe with the next update... We also got a glider, and our dresser, and a lamp to add to the baby's room. I am attaching pics of those as well, also throwing in a couple of belly pictures! (I think most people have found out the sex of the baby, but if you haven't and you dont want to know, you pry should not scroll down and look at the pics of the room, they kinda give it away!)
Don't really have anymore to write about, aside from baby planning, x-mas shopping, and work not much has been going on. Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving!! Ours was not very eventful, got up in the moring and had Thanksgiving breakfast together and I made 4 pies. I had to work 2pm-2am so Mike spent most of the day playing Halo 3 and watching football. I thought about waiting in line at Best Buy for a laptop but once I saw the line at 3am I decided against it, specially since I had to be back to work again at 2pm. Luckily mom was able to get one in Iowa where the shoppers are much less devoted I guess, lol. Or there is just a shit pot less of them (I'm thinking this is the real reason)!! Well enjoy the pics!! Stop back for more updates!!

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