Well my doctors visit was pretty uneventful, in and out in about 10 minutes, everything looked good. Said the ultrasound looked good, measured my uterus (23cm), heartbeat was normal!! I finally for sure felt the baby kicking, its pretty cool. Mike is still waiting to feel it, but no luck yet. We got our crib last night, Mike's parents bought it for us, it is really cute. Mike's mom entered us (all three of us) in a World Series pool, and the baby won, so she is going to use that money to buy us the matching dresser/changing table, so that is awesome, and we appreciate it.

Putting the damned thing together took about 2 hours, it was ridiculus, lol. In the instructions there is a hardware list on the front that labels part with a letter. Well then in the actual instructions, the letters were not the same as the letters on the front. Which I guess really didn't matter be cause there were no letters on the actual parts anyways!! We had to put the legs on and remove them several times to get them in the right part, then Mike didn't say anything
then he couldn't find step one in the instructions, he just went right onto step 2...he says he thought the harware list was considered step one...which makes no sense...but then step one was putting on these brackets on the legs...which we ended up being able to do wihtout completely taking the crib apart again, but it was interesting, lol. Well, not much more to say this time, just wanted to upload pics of the crib. I'll update again soon!!