Well I had another doctors appt on Tuesday. Everything still looks great! These last 7 months have just seemed to fly by, we have just 2 months left! We can't wait for him to be here. He is already amazing our lives! We got the ultrasound pictures finally so I posted a couple of those, they are really neat.

He has been kicking like crazy still, he is starting to find my ribs, so that is not always pleasant, lol. We have started calling him the Hiccup King, and neither of us will be shocked if he is born with the hiccups, lol. He gets them almost on que everyday between 4 and 430 every afternoon, and he usually has them at least one or two more times during the day.

He is also growing soo fast now. my uterus was 32 inches at this appt. It was 23 inches two appts ago, and I think 25 or 26 last month. So this month he really started jumping up there!! I only have three weeks until the next appt rather than the 4 I normally have, then I will have two weeks between the next two. Then after that one I will start going everyweek. We also have our child birth classes that start in the be gining of February, so that should be exciting.
Well I guess that’s all for now, stop back again for more updates!