Well Ryne is just over 3 weeks old now. He is already growing so fast!! My mom stayed with us for the first two weeks so it was nice to have help around. Ryne has had his first two Doctors appointments and goes in for his shots this week. Everything is great with him. He has some baby achne, but that is clearing up now. He was 6 pounds 4 ounces when we left the hospital and was 7 pounds 1/2 ounce at his 2 week appointment. His belly button fell off so we are able to give him baths now. He just loves them, and showers too.

We have been doing tummy time a few times a day to get his neck muscles built up, he hates it and rolled over when he was just 17 days old (from belly to back)!! Now he is a rolling over fool. He will tolerate being on his stomach for a minute or two, then gets mad and rolls over. He is starting to make noises and you can tell he just wants to "talk" back when you talk to him. I think he will be "cooing" like crazy here shortly.

We took him to Sioux City for Easter, so we were there for a week and then drove home yesterday. It was really nice that so many people got to see him. We tried to get pictures with everyone, and got some good ones with almost everyone. Ryne did really well with everyone, it didn't bother him to be passed around from person to person all week.

Ryne has been eathing really well and has no problems switching between nursing and the bottle. He will pretty much take anything as long as it is food, just like his Daddy, lol. Mikes birthday was on Saturday, we didn't do much, we got Ryne's pictures taken in the morning, hung out at my rents in the after noon and went to mikes rents house for dinner. Well I guess thats all, I have to update, I have posted some videos of Ryne and a lot of pics on the picture site so check them out and stop back for more updates soon!! Thanks for reading!!