HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUNNAR!! I had to start this post with a B-day wish for my brother, who is 13!! A teenager!! I cannot believe it, it seems like only yesterday he was Ryne’s size!! Before I know it he will be dating, driving, and off to college!! I can’t believe it has been so long since he was wrapped like a mermaid in the Omaha Children’s Hospital! He is one of the strongest people I know (and maybe possibly the strangest as well, haha JUST KIDDING…for the most part). He has had so many things that he has had to fight through, and looking at him you would have no clue!! Through all his struggles though we have had some amazing fun and I can’t wait for Ryne to get to know his Uncle Gunnar! So before I update you about Ryne, here are some of my favorite pics with Gunnar over the years…hope you enjoy them!!

Pumpkin Fight/X-mas 2007

Gunnar 2nd B-day/Xmas 2006

Ready for a Swim/Halloween

Tough Guy/5th B-day

Doin the Macarena/Showin off his Pick Line

Goofy/1st Day of School

Sexy/BuzzLight Year!!

Family Pic/1st Lost Tooth (my favorite picture taken of him ever!!)
Well Ryne is almost 2 months old now and he is growing SOO fast!! He is almost laughing and we cannot wait to hear his little laugh. He has been “cooing” up a storm in these last couple of weeks. He has grown out of most of his Preemie clothes and now wears mostly Newborn clothes, and can fit into 0-3 month tops (the 0-3 pants are still too big). We go to the doctor in a couple of weeks and I can’t wait to see how much weight he has gained! He is starting to get some meat on his little legs so I can’t call him chicken legs anymore, lol. We found a daycare and he will
start going on the 19th, I am definitely not looking forward to that day, but the day care is nice and I think they will take good care of him. We started giving him formula once a day to get him used to it since he will pry have to have at least one formula bottle a day at day care. He seems to be handling it just fine. We have been really lucky with him eating, he has had not trouble eating from a bottle or nursing, and will take formula or breast milk!
We have realized that Ryne loves his sling, we took him for a walk in it once and was wide awake just looking at everything, now we put him in it just around the house as well and he just looks all around. We took him to his first sporting event. Some girls I work with play on a football team, so we took him to their game last week. He slept through it all, lol, which was okay I guess, it was pretty chilly and if he was awake he pry would not have liked being so bundled. He did get to wear his sporting gear though, and I must say, the kid looks good in BLACK and GOLD!! (Even Mike “the Cyclone” thought it was cute!)
He is getting to the point were he is up most of the day now which is nice. It makes it harder for me to get stuff done around the house, but I would much rather sit and play with him then do housework anyways!! He is such a happy baby, I just can’t get enough of his smile. He has started paying a lot more attention to his toys and we are working on getting him to grab for them. He has no trouble grabbing them if you put them in his hands, that is his new thing. He is always trying to pinch and grab things. Especially when he is up on your shoulder, both his little hands are just going a mile a minute trying to grab your shirt, or neck, or hair, and if he can’t get a hold of those things he will grab his hair or his ears, lol. He often looks like he is trying to do the pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time thing, its too cute!!Well I guess that’s all for now, Ryne is getting hungry, thanx for reading and stop back for more updates!!