Well as some of you probably know, Mike, Ryne, and I will be moving back to Sioux City, IA. With the birth of Ryne and some other family things that have come up, we have decided that it is best to head back to good ol’ Sewer City…while it was such a tough decision to make, it is something we have been discussing, and when Mike got the option to transfer with Lowe’s the decision was made. He got a call letting him know that there was a position open in Sioux City, however if he wanted it he had to start two weeks later. So Mike left for Sioux City on the 18th and started work there on the 19th, leaving Ryne and I in Milwaukee for the rest of the month. It has been tough being away from him, but it will be worth it in the long run. My last day at work is the 29th, and then we will be heading back.
Ryne had his two month check up, he is now 11 pounds 2 ounces and 23.5 inches long!! He is getting so big! He also had 4 shots at this visit (two at a time). He did really well with them, cried during them and for about 30 seconds afterwards, he's our little tough guy! Doc said everything looks good, he also started taking vitamins (since he doesn't get enough being breastfed) and he does really well with them, just like always...he will eat anything (just like daddy)! We go back when he is four months for his next check up.
Ryne and I went back for Nick’s (Mike’s brother) wedding on Thursday. The drive went well, took about 9 hours but Ryne was not fussy or anything. I stayed at my rents house on Thursday and we drove to Omaha on Friday for the rehearsal dinner. That went well, and Ryne got to meet his Aunt Molly for the first time! The wedding was Friday, we had to be to the church at 1:00 and the wedding was at 4:00. Ryne slept through all but 5 minutes of the wedding, so that was good. Then we went to the reception, he slept through a lot of that too, and when he wasn’t sleeping he was a perfect angel! Had no problems being passed around and didn’t cry much at all (mostly just when I tried to burp him…like he always does…god forbid we make him stop eating for 30 seconds…he gets that from Mike, lol). We left the reception at about 10:00 PM.
Ryne woke up at about 4:00 on Sunday and he was just burning up, I went to the store at 5:00 and got a thermometer and some Tylenol. His temp was 101 and you could tell he was just not feeling well. He slept through lunch and the gift opening but he was just whimpering the whole time…we were supposed to drive back to Milwaukee on Sunday but with him being sick we just went back to Sioux City. On the way he threw up a ton and we had to pull over to clean it up, then he had a huge poop. He slept on and off for the rest of the day and finally crashed for the night around 1:00 AM.
For some reason he was happy for about 15 minutes on Sunday afternoon. He was sitting on the floor playing with Gunnar and Gunnar stuck his tongue out and made a fart noise…and what does Ryne do??? He started LAUGHING!! Really laughing!! It was the cutest thing ever! We could not believe it, we grabbed the camera and got a little bit of it on video…it was the coolest thing EVER!
Ryne slept until after 8:00 on Monday and we left for Milwaukee around 11:00. He did pretty well most of the way, the last couple of hours he was fussy, but we made it and now we only have one more long drive to make. Mike and my rents will be coming up on Thursday to start the moving process. It is going to be tough starting all over, but I am excited to be closer to family…we will be staying with my rents for a while to save up some money and look for a house. We can’t wait to have a house, it will be so nice! Well thats about it for now, thanks for reading!!